Friday, April 27, 2012

Girly day

Today was all about me.

I made baked oatmeal for breakfast. Then I ate half of it cold when I got home tonight. (Its amazing cold!) Here is the recipe, except I used half the sugar and almonds instead of walnuts and almond milk instead of real milk.

I painted my nails after watching Kristina Werner's awesome YouTube videos. She even has a nail blog! I am inspired to buy so many fun products. :) You can find the blog here

I put make up on today.

I bought myself a latte and was delighted with the foam art.

I visited my dear bro and sis in east lake and delighted in their home cooking. I love the view of Lake Union from their place!

I got poked today, for (hopefully) the last time for awhile. I appreciated the delightfully yellow band-aid which went so well with my neon polish. I received the awesome news that I am hCG free at last!!!

It was a good day. I miss hubby, but it was still a good day.


  1. Sounds like a great day.......I LOVE baked oatmeal too!

  2. I like your nails! Very cute!

    Girly days are fun...chocolate with caramel and Jane Austin!
