Friday, February 25, 2011

Spontaneous Post

Right now I am at work, of all places to be writing from! I had a short term cancellation today and I have absolutely nothing to do. I am off the clock, of course, as writing on this blog has nothing to do with Dental Hygiene.

Today I am looking forward to my 12 mile run in the sun. Right now its FREEZING, so i am a little nervous to run. But it will be so nice to get out and stretch my legs for a couple of hours. At least the sun is shining!

Here is my TO DO list:
1) Run 12 miles.
2) PAY OFF MY CAR (excited about this one!)
3) Buy some cute cakes from Whole Foods for the tea party. (I am too lazy to make anything)
4) Ask Annie if we can use her silver tea set. (Maybe I will text her...she texts now!)
5) Make something decorative for tea party? (We will see if this happens!)
6) Clean my scrapbook room. I need to find a permanent place for my typewriter so that it doesn't sit on the living room floor.
7) Figure out what to teach for Children's meeting. They are learning about the man that built his house on a rock and the man that built on the sand. Maybe come up with a visual aide?

This should be a full weekend! I should be back with photos of the tea party on Sunday.


  1. Sounds like fun! Who is going to the tea party? - Renae

  2. It should be fun! Ellen, Aileen, Rebecca, Hannah and I will be there. And you are invited if you can make it! Sunday @ 2:00.

  3. WOW! A Tea party, PAYING OFF YOUR CAR! AWESOME! 12 mile run in this cold??!! What a great to do list!!!! Fun. lubm

  4. Tea party? What kind of tea are you going to serve? It is very European to drink tea, so be sure to put on some airs for me! And sorry for not being on facebook...I was always busy at 5:30 in the evening. =(
