Thursday, August 18, 2011

My computer is broken again!

Just a year and a half after getting our new HP lap top, its broken! The battery has been out for a couple of months. It wont hold a charge and will turn off automatically (and suddenly) when its not plugged in. This weekend, we had a new the computer wont charge! So for a computer that cannot be used without being charged, this is pretty bad news! The last couple of days we have been able to charge it by holding the plug in wire at an odd angle and keeping it in that direction for a period of time. Now? Nothing. I hold it every way it can go, and the computer will not charge. I am just hoping that we can warranty this computer at Costco.

For now, that means no more photos on here for awhile. They are staying safely on my SD card on my camera. I am writing from our other computer, which is only an internet computer (a desk top) and I don't upload photos on here.

But lots of fun has been going on!

Matt's Olympic triathlon in Coeur d Alene.

Picking blackberries in the bush right around the corner (and eating them, of course).

Running almost daily and Matt giving me excruciating massages so that I can carry on said running.

TRYING to eat healthy. (Those many snickerdoodles at Ellen's didn't really help.)

Matt's birthday on Monday at Icon Grill. Great pictures there, I just love cake and candle photos!

Getting back into spin classes.

Enjoying the few beautiful days of summer. I guess temperatures in the seventies are not that bad.

Planning one more relaxing summer weekend before heading into craziness of traveling to Spokane...CDA...the beach...Spokane again.

Its been a crazy wonderful summer and I am SO not ready to say good bye. I will be back later with PHOTOS soon! As long as computer situation improves!


  1. So sorry about your to hear of all your news. It has been good to see you, and look forward to seeing you this weekend. LUBM

  2. How's your laptop now? It's pretty new, yet it broke down because of battery issues. Hmm, was it dropped or was overcharged? Well, any damage on your laptop is indeed painful to accept! Anyways, it seems you had fun taking pictures together with the blackberries. Just be careful with the SD card; you might lose it. That will give you two black eyes.

    >Vincent Mesecher

  3. Most of computers nowadays suffer from those complications. Once a part is broken, it can cause a chain of problems in functionality. Good thing there are experts who can fix those kinds of problems.

    Felciano Guarracino

  4. Hi, For any drivers issues please you can visit the following link
    Than you

  5. For servers issues or buy any thing new generation we can buy from the used server
