Thursday, June 10, 2010

Its almost summer...

The sun has been peeking out the last couple of days, and I know that summer is right around the corner. I am looking forward to a few things this summer:

1) Eating that watermelon on our counter. Perfect summer fruit!
2) Seeing more sunshine! Lots more sunshine.
3) Running more and being outside and being active. I am in an energy slump, and I think great weather will be a huge help.
4) Enjoying the longer days...being outside after work. Maybe we will eat dinner on the roof.
5) Driving my car with the sunroof open.
6) Riding my bike to work more. (Hasn't happened since our long bike ride a few weeks ago, when I hurt my knee.)
7) We will be going on several little mini trips, mostly bike racing or wedding related. But mostly I am looking forward to the weekends that we will be at home, doing pretty much nothing.
8) We might be heading to Utah in August, which will be HOT! I can't wait!
9) I want to start running stairs again.
10) Hopefully lots of friends and fun. We will see about that, as we don't get visited very often here in Seattle.
11) Fourth of July fireworks. I just love those!
12) Getting a wee bit tan. Not looking forward to any lobsterizing, just a healthy glow.
13) Wearing shorts and summer clothing! Put away those jeans and sweaters!

Okay since 13 is my favorite number, I will leave it at that. I am looking forward to an awful lot this summer, hopefully we will have lots of fun. :)


  1. I want to visit you guys!!!! i still have to discuss it with my family and everything though...=D

  2. Sounds like alot ot great plans for you summer! We have had a few days without rain, but its raining again today. I also am looking forward to warmer sunny days. Hope to see you soon. lubm

  3. Sounds like a fun summer... I'm also looking forward to being less pasty white/glow in the dark/sickly/fill in the blank ;)
